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Hoshida Ichizan III

三世 星田 一山

Hoshida Ichizan III
???? - 12/14/2020

尺八 & 箏

Hoshida Ichizan III was a highly-regarded and influential figure, both as a teacher and performer of the Tozan Ryū lineage. He was also an important and crucial successor to one of the most honored schools within the Tozan Ryū.
As a youngster, Hoshida Ichizan III was taught the Tozan Ryū shakuhachi repertoire first by his grandfather, Ichizan I, then by his father, Ichizan II.
He graduated from Osaka College of Music in 1980. Studied shamisen and koto with Suyama Chigyō, Nakajima Keiko, and Living National Treasure Kikuhara Hatsuko.
In 1981 he passed the Tozan Ryū Shakuhachi Gaku-kai exam earning his master’s license (Shihan). In the years after that his performances, (including radio and television), won many awards culminating, in 1989, in his attaining the rank of DaiShihan. His playing earned him the Minister of Education Award twice. In 2002 he was inaugurated as Chairman of Tonoamesha Tozan Ryū Shakuhachi Gaku-kai Chikurinken.
On October 10, 2004, he was authorized to succeed his father as Hoshida Ichizan III.
Until his untimely passing in December of 2020 he was a teacher and lecturer at the Osaka College of Music.



Play Button Haru no Hikari 春の光 01'24 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 03 尺八
Play Button Haru no Hikari 春の光 03'10 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 03 尺八
Play Button Haru no Hikari 春の光 01'27 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 03 尺八
Play Button Haru no Hikari 春の光 00'19 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 03 尺八
Play Button Haru no Hikari 春の光 01'34 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 03 尺八
Play Button Haru no Hikari 春の光 00'40 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 03 尺八
Play Button Haru no Hikari 春の光 01'42 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 03 尺八
Play Button Haru no Hikari 春の光 01'19 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 03 尺八
Play Button Haru no Hikari 春の光 02'36 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 03 尺八
Play Button Shimoyo 霜夜 03'48 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 01 尺八
Play Button Shimoyo 霜夜 03'42 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 01 尺八
Play Button Shimoyo 霜夜 07'18 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 01 尺八
Play Button Shimoyo 霜夜 04'01 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 01 尺八
Play Button Yachio 八千代 01'36 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 02 尺八
Play Button Yachio 八千代 04'07 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 02 尺八
Play Button Yachio 八千代 01'54 Collection of Fundamental Tozan Ryu Honkyoku - 02 尺八