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[流派]Yamada Ryū - 山田
[別名]Bleaching Cloth - 晒
[対象楽器]初代中能島松聲 - 箏
深草検校 - 三弦

発祥 (柘植 元一):

This jiuta piece was originally composed by Kitazawa Koto, and about a century later arranged by Fukakusa Kengyo (A. 1770).

Sarashi means 'bleaching cloth.' This piece shows the earliest style of the tegoto-mono form of koto music, in which songs are connected with one another by virtuoso instrumental interludes (ai, ainote or tegoto). The song text deals with a scene in which people are bleaching cloth in the Uji River near Kyoto.

詩 (【翻訳者】 柘植 元一)

At Makinoshima,
Where bleaching linen
Is so lowly a task
Let us go to the Uji River,
Where the whitecaps
On the water are like snow.
Let's take our linen
For bleaching.

The white of the linen
We bleach there
Will be whiter than the frost
That falls
On the magpie bridge (1)!

Hey, ho!
You can see the mountain now!
The mist on Asahi Mountain!
Is Mount Fuji or Suruga
So much better?
Is Mount Fuji of Suruga
So much better?

On the waves
That wash Kojima
On the waves
That wash Kojima
Send down
Moon light
Send down
Moon light.

Look, look
What a place!
The equal
Of Fushumi
And Takeda,
Of Yodo and Toba!
The equal
Of any scenic spot.

The rolling waves,
The rolling waves...
Tame them
With wicker weirs
And stop
The water's flow,
And stop
The water's flow.

At such a place,
At such a place,
We of Makino Village
Now one by one
Take up our linen
And off we go together
To our humble homes.

(1) According to an ancient Chinese legend, a magpie spreads its wings across the milky way (in Japanese, amanogawa 'River of Heaven') on the Seventh Day of the Seventh Month of each year so that the weaver girl and the shepherd boy may meet.
kinoshima niwa
sarasu asanuno
shizu ga shiwaza ni
ujigawa no
nami ka yuki ka to
shirotae ni
iza tachiidete
e, nuno wo sarasoo
Kasasagi no
wataseru hachi no
shimo yori mo
saraseru nuno ni
shiromi ari sooroo


Noo noo
yama ga miesooroo
asahiyama ni
kasumi tanabiku
keshiki wa
tatoe suruga no
fuji wa mono kawa
fuji wa mono kawa


Kojimagasaki ni
yoru nami no
kojimagasaki ni
yoru nami ni
kojimagasaki ni
yoru nami no
tsuki no hikari wo
tsuki no hikari wo


Miwatase ba
miwatase ba
fushimi takeda ni
yodo toba mo
izure otoranu
meisho kana
Tatsu nami wa
tatsu nami wa
zeze no ajiro ni
nagururu mizu wo


Tokorogara tote na
tokorogara tote na
nuno wo tegoto ni
makino satobito
modoroo yare
shizugaya e

さらし は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Jiuta no Sekai - 1 歌 : 初代 富山 清琴
三弦 : 初代 富山 清琴

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箏 : 大谷都寿美
歌 : 鈴木 清寿
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Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū (zoku) vol. 21 (続三曲合奏大全集21) 尺八 : 五世 荒木 古童
箏 : 二代 伊藤 松超
歌 : 伊藤美恵子
箏 : 伊藤まなみ
三弦 : 山戸伊久保

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 22 箏 : 中能島 欣一
歌 : 中能島 慶子
Play ButtonTake-Ikkan 尺八 : 二世 青木 鈴慕
Play ButtonYamada Ryu Sokyoku Meikyoku-shu 箏 : 中能島 欣一
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歌 : 中能島 慶子
箏 : 吉田 純三

Yamada Ryū Sōkyoku Tokusen 2 - Okayasu Ginuta (山田流箏曲特選 二ー岡康砧) 歌 : 二世 藤井 千代賀
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歌 : 中能島 慶子
箏 : 中能島 慶子
歌 : 三世山勢松韻
三弦 : 三世山勢松韻