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Shika no Tône (Don't know which version)



鹿の遠音 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonDistant Cry of Deer, The 尺八 : 古賀将之

Esprit d'Orient 尺八 : 横山 勝也

Home is Now 尺八 : Horacio Curti

Ichi 尺八 : Horacio Curti
This is one of the rare honkyoku pieces played as a duet. Although old, this recording conveys for me the honor of having been performed together with Kakizakai Sensei.

Japanese Traditional Music For Two Shakuhachi 尺八 : Ralph Samuelson
尺八 : 皇保
Kurosawa Kinko is said to have collected this piece at Shojuken temple in Nagasaki from the monk Ikkeishi, and his arrangement was subsequently incorporated as one of the 36 honkyoku of the Kinko-ryu. Shika no Tone is one of the few honkyoku pieces traditionally played as a duet, and its unusually dramatic and poetic qualities have made it very popular for performance on the concert stage. The call-and-response form represents the image of two deer calling in the woods as they gradually approach each other through the distance.
Play ButtonKoku 尺八 : 門田笛空

Music for Yoga and Reiki - Relaxation Music for Shakuhachi 尺八 : Rodrigo Rodriguez
featuring Kohachiro Miyata

Music for Zen Meditation - Shakuhachi Japanese Flute 尺八 : Rodrigo Rodriguez

Musical Anthology of the Orient, Unesco Collection Vol 3 尺八 : 五世 荒木 古童
尺八 : 納富治彦
During the Edo period the shakuhachi was the instrument exclusively used by a sect of mendicant Buddhist monks. The music which these monks played on their wanderings included-in addition to Buddhist sutra recitations-elements of folk-songs which the monks encountered, and also imitations of the sounds of nature.

"Shika no tone" was composed at the beginning of the 18th century. The style of performance is noteworthy in its obvious dependence upon the literary context. The full title, "Yobikaeshi shika no tone", means "Deer calling to one another in the distance". The musically stylized call of two deer is represented by two shakuhachi answering one another.

November Steps - Take no Miryoku 尺八 : 横山 勝也
Play ButtonShakuhachi - Classical Modern Best 30 - 02 尺八 : 二世 青木 鈴慕
尺八 : 山口 五郎

Shakuhachi - The Japanese Flute 尺八 : 宮田 耕八朗
This is one of the most famous shakuhachi compositions, and probably the most recent of the works heard here: it dates from the 18th century. Entitled "The Sound of Deer Calling to One Another,” the piece's special effects call for a particular kind of audible breathing in which the melodic line is never lost. Often the work is heard as a duet for two shakuhachi, and it is not certain which version is the original. It is played here on the standard-sized instrument {this particular composition is rarely, if ever, played on other sizes).

Shakuhachi - The Japanese Flute - Clive Bell 尺八 : Clive Bell
The Call of the Dear - The mating call of dear herds in the mountains. Often played as a duet; this is MIYATA's solo version of the piece.
Play ButtonWatazumido no Sekai 尺八 : 海童 道祖 老師

Watazumido-so Roshi 尺八 : 海童 道祖 老師
Play ButtonWild Silence 尺八 : Elizabeth Reian Bennett