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Sakura Gawa


[Escuela]Ikuta Ryû - 生田
[Compuesto]Mitsuzaki Kengyō - Koto
Mitsuzaki Kengyō - Shamisen

Poema (translated by John Tedford)


Fresh and brilliant [1],
Spring has come
and the ice begins to melt.
The cherry blossoms
grow thick on the bough
like the white-capped waves
which gather in the shoals
of Ukishima [2]
rising through the mist.



Truly it is a wonderful sight!
Even now,
this Spring remains unchanged
from those of ancient times;
the beauty of the blossoms
reflects in pure, untainted waters --
the River Sakura [3].

[1] Aratama is a "pillow word" (i.e. poetic images always used together in classical Japanese poetry) always attached to Spring; it means 'new jewel" and implies rough, unpolished luster.
[2] Place near mouth of Sakura River.
[3] The "cherry" river in Ibaraki Prefecture north of Tokyo.

Sakura Gawa aparece en los siguientes álbumes

Álbum Artista

Abe Keiko Record Set - 08 Koto : Miura Yōko
Voz : Abe Keiko
Shamisen : Fujii Kunie

Classical Ensemble Music Vol 3 Shakuhachi : Kitahara Kōzan II
Koto : Tomiyama Seikin II
Voz : Tomiyama Seikin I
Shamisen : Tomiyama Seikin I
Performance with voice, shamisen, koto and shakuhachi. The original piece, not including shakuhachi, was composed in 1930's by Mitsuzaki Kengyo, who is more famous for the fact that he composed pieces in new styles for only voice and koto, which were so-to-speak revolutionary attempts in those days when the koto was regarded as a subordinate instrument to shamisen music. This piece is exceptional among those pieces in the same style, in respect that both shamisen and koto part were composed by the same person. Consequently, it has more heterophonic character as compared with other pieces. The poem is a description of the scenery of the river called Sakuragawa (sakura = cherry, ogawa or kawa = river) which is famous for cherry-blossoms, and the music has a comparatively gay feeling. The piece consists of a short introduction, a fore-song, an instrumental interlude and an after-song.

Sankyoku Gassō Dai Zenshū vol. 19 (三曲合奏大全集19) Koto : Sunazaki Tomoko
Shakuhachi : Mori Kozan
Voz : Ashigaki Miho
Shamisen : Ashigaki Miho

Sasagawa Shizue no Shigei Vol. 7 Shamisen : Sasagawa Shizue
Koto : Suzuki Kazuko
Play ButtonSeiha Hogakkai Play Favorites 04 - Mitsuzaki Kengyo Koto : Akamine Masahito
Shamisen : Ishii Utamitsu
Koto : Miyamoto Masatoki
Shakuhachi : Yamamoto Hōzan

Sō no Shiori (Ikuta Ryū) vol 7 Koto : Nakashima Yasuko
Koto : Miura Yōko
Shakuhachi : Ikeda Seizan II
Voz : Fujii Kunie
Shamisen : Fujii Kunie

Sōkyoku Jiuta Gassō-shū (disc 4) Shakuhachi : Araki Kodō V
Koto : Yamamoto Hiroko
Voz : Mochitsuki Masako
Shamisen : Mochitsuki Masako

Sokyoku Jiuta Taikei 35 Voz : Yonekawa Toshiko
Shamisen : Yonekawa Toshiko
Voz : Satō Chikaki
Shamisen : Satō Chikaki

Zoku Sō-Sangen-Shakuhachi ni yoru Mei Senshū - volume 2 Voz : Matsuo Keiko
Shamisen : Matsuo Keiko
Koto : Matsuo Kazuko